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Fire Ant Control

Fire ants are aggressive and invasive predators that are able to survive extreme conditions and expand quickly, with queens producing up to 1600 eggs per day. colonies are even able to relocate across water by forming huge rafts out of their own interlinked bodies. Although they only grow to be about 4mm long, there is strength in numbers. Fire ants swarm to attack by biting down, securing themselves onto their prey, and stinging. Hundreds of toxic venom injections will make short work of larger insects and lizards. Fire ants have the ability to inflict painful bites and stings. The sting of a fire ant develops into a pustule (small, firm blister-like sore) in 24-48 hours. These pustules can become sites of secondary infection. Fire ant venom may cause a severe reaction in hypersensitive individuals. They are not only a nuisance to you and your family but also to your pets. Let us eradicate the problem for you.

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